Quantum Workshops
The Science & Spirituality of Quantum-Touch & The Life Force EnergyQuantum-Touch
Community, Workshops & Events
Deborah’s thriving Life Force Energy Community offers powerful support for your Quantum healing journey! You are freely invited to join her on Facebook, or click to receive her Life Force Energy Sangha Newsletter.
Monthly subscription group calls are also available (details below) for those who wish to deepen their study and practice as expertly guided by Deborah, alongside the support of fellow Life Force Energy explorers.
Global Workshop Schedule & Booking Information
To see dates and locations for all online workshops and events, simply click the button below and scroll down to read Deborah’s Global schedule.
When booking a session or event and upon payment confirmation, full details will then be emailed to you. If for any reason, an event, session or course does not proceed, a refund can be arranged. Please read Deborah’s full Terms & Conditions.
Introductory Workshops
Start Here
Energy Boost Mini Class
Learn foundational energy healing techniques live and online with Deborah Gair, in just two hours! This class is for EVERYONE. No pre-requisite required.
This Quantum-Touch energy healing mini-class is designed to support you in these challenging times. During this introductory workshop you will learn how to cultivate Life Force Energy, a Universal vibration of love and well-being. You can use this energy to boost your immune system, balance emotions, and relieve stress. It can enhance your own well-being, and help others as well: family, friends, or pets. You can feel the difference these techniques make, right away. Once you learn Quantum-Touch, you’ll want to use it every day!
This live mini-class is only a small sample of what a full Quantum-Touch Workshop can offer, but it gives an immediate experience of how to cultivate energy in just two hours! It’s the perfect way to introduce yourself to the world of energy healing, and the infinite possibilities of Quantum-Touch. Once you learn to use Quantum-Touch, it is yours for a lifetime. You can use it for self-healing, or offer it at a distance for loved ones who may be far away.
Health care professionals find Quantum-Touch enhances or even transforms their practice, yet this is an ideal and simple skill for the total novice. We all have the power within to create optimal wellness and help others as well. Join me and discover the extraordinary healing power of love!
Click the button below to check out Deborah’s current workshop schedule and register.
This Level 1 Virtual Workshop is the gateway workshop to all other Quantum-Touch Workshops.
This level is designed to teach you a wealth of Quantum-Touch energy healing principles and techniques. Learn to care for yourself, friends, and family, or expand your skills as a health care professional.
What You Will Learn:
• Learn the core process of Quantum-Touch, which is a series of breathing, intention, and body awareness exercises to help you focus and amplify Life Force Energy, raise your vibration and cultivate universal Life Force Energy.
• Discover just how natural and easy it is to learn.
• How to accelerate the healing potential of your sessions by working with Chakras, Toning, and Vortexing.
• How the Amplified Resonance Technique turbo charges your energy healing sessions.
• How to offer energy across space and time (distant healing.) When those you love are not near and you want to help, distant healing with Quantum-Touch can be tremendously effective. You can also send energy into your past or future.
• How to work with pets and other animals. It’s a great joy to use this work with animals as they often respond amazingly well to Life Force Energy.
“Thanks to Deborah’s incredible healing and intuitive ability we did not have to cancel our long-planned trip to Europe visiting our family. I emailed Deborah for help with acute inflammation and the very next day she did a long distance healing early morning. I woke up at the very time the healing happened and I could feel her beautiful presence. The next day, all was back to normal! I learned first-hand how quickly Quantum-Touch can work. On our vacation in Europe, I tripped over a sidewalk and sprained my ankle so bad, I thought our fun vacation was over. Having nothing to lose, I used what Deborah taught me and within 5 minutes the pain completely disappeared, my husband and I were in complete astonishment! She also gave me the confidence through her teaching to help my friend who had a severe pain in her neck. I look forward to continuously learning all I can from Deborah’s teachings!”
Esthi, Florida
Advanced Level Workshops
Installment options are available for all advanced level workshops. This means you can choose to pay half now, then half later (use the same link twice), and as long as the first payment is 21 or more days before the start-date, and the 2nd payment is made prior to the actual event.
Advanced Level
Quantum-Touch LEVEL 2
Discover why, Richard Gordon, founder of Quantum-Touch calls Quantum-Touch Level 2, “The New Human.”
Quantum-Touch Level 2 is a surprising healing technique breakthrough. In this dynamic two-day workshop, you will learn powerful new ways to cultivate and apply Life Force Energy to improve your life, emotional well being and tap into the extraordinary healing power within.
What You Will Learn:
• New ways to work with Universal Life Force Energy.
• Open to greater love and compassion.
• Discover physiological wellbeing.
• Open to greater intuitive ability and wisdom.
• Learn to support your own evolution with heart energy.
• Learn amazing new chakra discoveries and how to work more deeply with charkas 8 – 12.
• Discover new ways to work with the Law of Attraction.
• Learn the Quantum-Touch Level 2 Meditation.
• Explore and enter the new paradigm … and much more!
Advanced Level
Supercharging Workshop
This long-time favorite workshop has been revised and revitalized for the energy needs of today.
Supercharging expands on the Quantum-Touch principles and practices taught in the live Level 1. Learn new ways to cultivate deep healing energy for yourself and others to take your energy work to the next level!
What You Will Learn:
• Revitalize yourself with the 12 fundamental colors of optimal health and well-being.
• Enhance the effectiveness of Quantum-Touch sessions with the Amplification Technique.
• Engage your 12 chakras and Central Channel to powerfully boost your energy.
• How to work with a universal healing pattern and tone that brings transformation at a cellular level.
• Specific techniques for longevity (reversed aging) and digestive health (for weight loss or weight gain).
• Energy healing techniques to support emotional and mental health.
• Create your reality using group and individual exercises.
• Ways to connect to universal abundance, love and wisdom.
Please note: Before you can attend a Supercharging Workshop, you must successfully complete a Level 1 Quantum-Touch Workshop.
Advanced Level
Self-Created Health Workshop
We believe the body has the ability to create symptoms to mirror emotions that are not being expressed.
Symptoms are the way our body communicates, not the body failing. These messages tell us something we need to see, understand or release.
In the Self Created Health Workshop, you will learn a seven-step process that helps you understand the emotional roots of your physical and emotional suffering, and guide you safely into releasing those emotions. You will experience a profound forgiveness that turns into a commitment to treat yourself well, with love and gratitude.
In the final step of the process, your inner gratitude expands into Universal love, where you can experience your infinitely loving nature. By healing your emotional health, you can live a more fulfilling and joyful life. The process is simple yet powerful. And here is the amazing part : When people complete all seven steps of the process, not only do their symptoms go away, but they often feel grateful for having had the condition.
What You Will Learn:
• The seven-step process to “Transform Disharmony Into Love” by determining the emotional cause behind a physical issue, processing the emotion and releasing it.
Global Workshop Schedule & Booking Information
To see dates and locations for all online workshops and events, simply click the button below and scroll down to read Deborah’s Global schedule.
When booking a session or event and upon payment confirmation, full details will then be emailed to you. If for any reason, a session or course does not proceed, a refund can be arranged. Please read Deborah’s full Terms & Conditions.
Additional Courses & Workshops
Awareness Course
Intelligent, Intuitive Development / Accessing Pure Awareness
Join Deborah’s Study Group where she’ll share with you her specialist skills in working with the Intelligence of The Life Force Energy.
As Quantum-Touch Director of Intuitive Development, Deborah will facilitate you in honing your innate capacity to Access Pure Awareness.
Renewal Course
Renew Your Perception, Not Your Prescription
This brand-new Course is an Incredible Deep-Dive Into Seeing & Perceiving The Life Force!
Join Deborah, live and online, to expose the delusions that are limiting your health. Discover where dis-ease is a defence against The Truth, and how to disarm your life into one of ease. This is a 90-minute, fast-paced, group Zoom session, specifically designed to shatter your shackles & set you free.
Quantum Shift
Seeking a New Reality, a New Way of Being?
Another brand-new Course, developed by Deborah, to super-speed-shuttle your Life Force Energy into a whole new paradigm!
Join, live and online, as Deborah guides you to taking the shift you require.
Global Workshop Schedule & Booking Information
To see dates and locations for all online workshops and events, simply click the button below and scroll down to read Deborah’s Global schedule.
When booking a session or event and upon payment confirmation, full details will then be emailed to you. If for any reason, a session or course does not proceed, a refund can be arranged. Please read Deborah’s full Terms & Conditions.
“Thank you for being here for me, for all you give to this world and planet. I am so very grateful to be a part of this amazing Community. It is helping me with my focus, meditation and life.“
LauriE, USA
Message Deborah Gair. Ask Quantum-Touch questions and more.
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Every Offering is received with Heartfelt gratitude.